It's been a while - we are back with new content!

As you might have noticed, it's been quiet on here for quite some time. Last year was busy and personal life and work took all of my time. But change is right around the corner. New content is coming...


What's about to change?

Well, before, this blog used to be about miniature oainting in general, but featured only miniatures from Games Workshop ranges. The next few posts will stray from this true and tested formula. I've picked up Infinity with some friends, after playing a demo game at last year's Spiel in Essen. So be prepared to see some more coverage about Infinity miniatures as well as painting articles about them.

Among the same lines, I'll feature terrain building articles and reviews, including several manufacturers like GW, MicroArt or LaughingJack.

I've also planned to get back into building and painting Flames of War minis. If you have seen my CoolMiniornot profile, you might have already seen some stuff I put out a few years ago. 

A last thing that might get included in this blog, although it's not set in stone yet, is a review of the occasional boardgame. 

That's it for content. The design of the blog might change a bit, too.

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